10% For All Order| Code: tooenjoy10


Before orders are shipped, tooenjoymall.com must process orders and conduct strict quality control tests on the items purchased. Therefore, total delivery time is different from shipping time alone.


Shipping Time

TOOENJOY attaches great importance to providing customers with reliable, efficient and fast delivery services. We provide free shipping and will ship as soon as possible. Shipping is usually the same day or next business day of when orders are placed. If orders are placed on a holiday, they will be postponed to the next business day. All estimates are based on business days.

  • Total Delivery Time = Handling Time + Shipping Time
  • If orders contain multiple packages, they will be shipped separately and may arrive at different times.
  • Handling Time: 1-3 Business Days
  • Shipping Time: United States: 5 to 8 business days; Canada: 6 to 10 business days

Please Note:

Delivery time may vary depending on the carrier, package weight, shipping location or traffic conditions. In the event of force majeure, order processing will be delayed, but we promise to process orders as soon as possible when normal conditions return.


Shipping Locations & Methods

  • Please note that products on tooenjoymall.com are currently only sold in the United States and Canada.
  • Applicable shipping addresses within the United States do not include Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  • We do not deliver to FPO, APO, and PO Box addresses.

Methods : All orders will be shipped via UPS/USPS/Fedex or shipped by truck.


Order Processing Steps

  • After a transaction is completed on tooenjoymall.com, we will send a purchase confirmation email. If a confirmation email is not received, please check spam folder.
  • Once orders enter our system, they will be processed within 24 to 72 business hours.
  • After orders are processed, they will be shipped, and we will send a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. Tracking numbers received can be used to verify the order status. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the carrier to activate tracking numbers.
  • If a shipping confirmation is not received within the above time frame, please contact us at support@tooenjoymall.com.


Important Notice

  • Please vertify that the email address on the order is correct so that order confirmation and shipping confirmation emails are received. If a confirmation email is not received, please check spam folder before contacting us.
  • Shipping policies and terms and conditions apply only to purchases made through our website tooenjoymall.com. For TOOENJOY products purchased from other platforms, please contact their customer service department directly to understand their shipping policies.
  • TOOENJOY is not responsible for carrier delivery delays or problems. If the product is damaged in transit, please contact us immediately at support@tooenjoymall.com within 3 business days of receiving the shipment. Document any visible damage and be as specific as possible as this will help us process a damage claim with the carrier.
  • After products are received, please check them thoroughly. If products received are defective or damaged, has incomplete parts, are completely different from the product ordered, etc., please contact our customer service immediately and provide us with the order number and photos or videos of the relevant products. This will help us to deal with the issue as soon as possible. Do not install or use defective or damaged products.