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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
Tooenjoy is committed to protecting your personal information. This privacy policy applies to your use of the tooenjoy website and all other related services (collectively referred to as the "website"). Please review this Privacy Policy regularly, as we may modify it from time to time. If you do not fully agree or accept our privacy policy, you may not visit or use this website. If you use this website after the terms of this privacy policy are changed, you agree to accept the revised policy.

2. Information collected
At Tooenjoy, we collect your personally identifiable information ("PII") and non personally identifiable information ("non PII"). Personally identifiable information is information that can be used to identify you personally.

Collected personally identifiable information

When you visit our website, you do not need to provide us with any information. However, if you want to contact us, or if you want to submit any user content, you may need to submit your name, email or other contact information.

Non identifying information

When you use our website, we may collect your non PII information, such as your IP address, zip code, gender, browsing history, search history and registration history, interaction with the website, usage information, location, reference URL, browser, operating system, data transmitted by data usage and Internet service provider. We may also collect information, including but not limited to your posts posted in the public area of our website, messages you sent us, and letters we received from other members or third parties about your activities or posts.

Customer comments and opinions

You can leave, or we can ask you to leave, and the customer comments detail your experience of our website. You do not need to leave any customer comments; If you do, your customer comments may be republished on our website and / or elsewhere for marketing. By leaving a customer comment, you agree to allow us to use the comment for any purpose we deem necessary.
You can also leave your feedback on our website and / or our experience. You agree to allow us to use your comments at our discretion, including allowing us to republish your comments for marketing purposes. Similarly, you agree to allow us to use any feedback for redistribution marketing purposes.

My account

You can create a saved wish list from time to time to "save" the product for later purchase. You allow tooenjoy to save these data on our website for future use. Similarly, your product browsing history, shopping cart data, and real-time search may be saved for later use. You agree to allow tooenjoy to share this data with third parties for marketing purposes.

3. Use your information
We or other users of this website can see some of your information for communication. We use various tracking mechanisms to track the usage of customers on our website. We will never sell your information without your permission; However, you agree that we can use your information in the following ways:
Any services provided by tooenjoy.
Enhance or improve our user experience.
If you have any questions, you can contact you by email or other electronic means of communication.
Inform you of updates to other tooenjoy products.

4. Access, edit and delete your information
If you have any questions or want to view, change or access any of your information we collect, and if you want to quit our data collection practice or want us to from our database, please contact us: .

5. Safety measures
We make a reasonable attempt to protect your information by using physical and electronic security measures. However, since this is the Internet, we cannot guarantee the security or privacy of your information. Therefore, we recommend that you use anti-virus software, regular credit checks, firewalls and other preventive measures to protect yourself from security and privacy threats.

6. Age compliance
We intend to comply fully with U.S. and international laws that respect children's privacy. Therefore, we will not collect or process any information for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 and use our website, please stop immediately and do not submit any information to us. If you find that we have inadvertently collected any information about users under the age of 18, please contact us immediately.

7. Modification
We may revise this privacy policy from time to time. When we modify this privacy policy, we will modify the dates listed in this agreement, or we may contact you. As a condition of your continued use of our website, you must agree to these modifications. If you do not agree, you must immediately stop using our website and send an email to Inform us of your refusal.